Sharmara Shellman

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sharmara Shellman.

Hi Sharmara, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
Our bubble tent adventure began in 2019 on a trip to Bali. There, against the stunning backdrop of the Balinese jungle, founder Paulo discovered a glamping experience like no other.

Sharmara Shellman

With 360-degree views and a luxurious interior, Paulo felt that these unique tents offered the best of outdoor living and he knew he wanted to experience more. Back home in the UK, he found that unbelievably, there were no bubble tent venues or suppliers in or around London. After much research, he was confident he had found the best bubble tents on the market. The rest is history and we are now proud to be the UK’s first bubble tent supplier.

Sleeping Bubbles was the best collision I’d ever run into!

In an effort to realign my focus and seriousness in business amidst the global pandemic, I needed to stretch my business network. I needed to become more intentional and put myself out there to meet and engage with entrepreneurs and professionals. One of my business mentors mentioned a new invite only social media platform that catered to a more thought provoking, intellectual audience, called Clubhouse. The new platform allows professionals to engage with each other online through moderated chat rooms. Clubhouse offered a place for speakers to help enlighten and elevate listeners on their sphere of influence by engaging in Q&A with the room and/or by speaking on their subject matter expertise amongst interested people.

The name of the specific chat room I visited on this platform was called, “The Breakfast Club,” or something like that, and in my time zone, this chat room began at or around 1:00 or 2:00AM. The irony of my introduction to Sleeping Bubbles, is this was my first visit to the platform. Navigating this new social media platform and understanding the overall objective took a bit of time for me to get down. However; once I entered the Breakfast Club chat room, I quickly got into the swing of things.

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